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Rat & Rodent Control

rodents - commercial pest control services

Rodent Control

Once you have a rodent problem inside your home or business, you have a serious risk to the structure of the building/home and to the health of those residing inside. They are one of the most destructive animals, chewing through wood, plaster, electrical wiring, and more.

Rat & Mouse Control

Rats and mice eat and contaminate food, and cause damage to homes and structures, transmitting diseases to humans and other animals. Rats can make themselves at home pretty much anywhere, from farm buildings to sewage systems and under homes. Rats can fit through holes as small as ½” in diameter. Rats can gnaw through wood, pipes, plastics, metals, and electric cables, and mice gnaw on furniture and wiring. They can both pose a great risk to anyone inside, especially if they get into your food supply.

Other Rodent Control

Squirrels can be an extremely annoying indoor pest that is very difficult to get rid of. They usually stay in the attic, and chew on rafters or electrical wires, and destroy screens or anything in their path if they’re in your living areas. We can humanely trap and relocate the squirrels, then seal the points of entry to ensure they never return.

We don’t have moles in the North, we have what are called voles. They can cause similar damage to your landscaping. They burrow extensive tunnels throughout the ground. You typically will not know that you have an infestation until it is already way out of control. They can number in the thousands, reproducing frequently throughout the year. They typically will invade if their previous nesting area became too dry from drought. They eat the roots and flowers off of plants, and get their moisture from the roots of plants and grass roots. They can contribute to the death of your trees, flowers, shrubs and more by depriving them of their moisture. They can be extremely difficult to get rid of, and may require many treatments to thoroughly control and eradicate them.

We offer a variety of services in the control, removal and exclusion of many nuisance rodents, including moles, chipmunks, and more. Our professionals have the experience and knowledge to effectively handle your rodent problems and provide solutions to prevent future problems.

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Our residential & commercial pest control services include:

Ant Control

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Bed Bug Treatments

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Rat & Rodent Control

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Also…Centipede Control
Hibernating Insect, Bee and Wasp Control
The size of pest doesn’t matter. The tiniest mite will still get our full attention!